Cookie Policy

Usage of cookies on the website

MBE Worldwide S.p.A. with registered office in Milan, Viale Lunigiana 35-37, 20125, (“MBE”), in addition to the provisions set out in the privacy policy, inform the users about the use of cookies on the website (the “Website“).

What are cookies?

“Cookies” are small text files from a website that are stored on your computer, mobile phone or other device. Cookies generally contain information that is associated with your web browser, information such as website preferences or login information. This information enables online services to recognise you as you interact with or revisit the Website.

How we use cookies

We and our service providers may use cookies and tracking technologies (tracking pixels) when you interact with the services for a variety of reasons, as described in detail below.


Strictly Necessary We use cookies for system administration, to monitor traffic and prevent fraudulent activity, to improve the security of the services and to provide the basic functionality of the services such as creating and logging into your account and utilising essential features of the services.


We use cookies to tell us whether you have visited the Website before and to make the services easier to use, including remembering your preferences and settings.
Analytics and Performance We use cookies and tracking pixels to assess the performance of the services, to count visitors of the Website, and to monitor how users navigate and use the services, in order to improve the performance of, and content offered through, the services.
Customisation and Targeting We may use cookies and tracking pixels to deliver customised content and “first-party” marketing (marketing from MBE) based on how you interact with our services. We may also use cookies and tracking pixels to record your use of our services, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed. We will use this information to make our services and the advertising displayed on it more relevant to your interests. We may also share this information with third parties for this purpose.


How to deactivate or remove cookies

The users can control how cookies are set on their devices by using their browser settings and, in some cases, the settings on their mobile device. If the users do not refuse or disable cookies as described in this section, they expressly consent to the setting and access of cookies by us and the third parties described in the following, subject to their privacy policies.

The users can authorize, refuse or disable website cookies by changing their browser settings. If the users disable a cookie already installed on their devices or browsers, it will not be active any more, but it will not disappear from their devices or browsers until the end of its lifespan. Please note that blocking all cookies can render the Website unavailable to the users or have a negative effect on the performance, efficiency or customization of the Website.

If the users use different devices, they should make sure they configure the settings of the corresponding browser according to their preferences.

All the most recent browsers allow the user to change the settings of cookies. These are usually in the menu of the user’s browser under ‘options’ or ‘preferences’. To understand how to set them up, the user can follow the instructions at the links below:


Does MBE use cookies on its own websites?

The user can disable the cookies placed by the third parties listed above following the links indicated. If there are no links, the user can refer to the following website, which allows to manage the preferences regarding cookies.

For any other information, please refer to the Privacy Policy.